New Zealand loosened the criteria for skilled workers coming from overseas. Immigration Minister Kris Faafoi reported immigration instructions had changed for business owners requesting a border exception for workers under “the other critical worker” category. The previous rule said a person had to have experience, along with technical or specialist skills that were not able to be obtained in New Zealand. The new wording now says training that is not “readily obtainable” in the country. The language is in correlation with the fact that training is not obtainable in New Zealand in some sectors.
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The New Zealand government is also removing from the instructions the need for skills, qualifications, or work experience before coming to the country for work. By eliminating the requirement, entry will be allowed, in limited cases, where a worker could gain skills in NZ but already has gained experience overseas, said Faafoi. These skillsets will bring unique expertise to businesses in New Zealand. Faafoi said these changes are being made due to the many sectors that have voiced concerns and also aim to provide a clearer path for businesses requesting a border exception for the critical employees.
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