Foreign Workers Needed to Help Fill 1.4 Million Jobs in Germany

The German government recently passed a law geared toward attracting skilled workers from outside the EU

There are currently 2.5 million Europeans working in Germany, but it is estimated that the number will soon decrease. The neighboring countries are seeing workers nearing retirement age and will need their own workers. Although Germany wants to use its internal workforce, they are aware that number will be insufficient. The German Chancellor Angela Merkel acknowledges that employers are in desperate need of skilled workers, and it is imperative to attract labor from outside of the country.

Eurpeans Working In Germany

The new law passed by the government allows workers with training to enter the German market without having to prove there are no citizens or other Europeans available to fill the open position. Workers have to be able to speak German and will be allowed to relocate to Germany without a prior six-month contract. They are hopeful the new law will bring tens of thousands of new employees every year.

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