How Much Households Earn in America’s Largest Cities

In some of the largest cities in the United States, earning six figures is no longer an exception, but the norm. According to a recent analysis by GoBankingRates, six cities have reached an average household income of over $100,000, with four of them in California. San Francisco has the highest average household income, reaching $146,872, surpassing other metropolises like San Jose and Seattle.Jobs Across the World connects employers and job seekers globally, offering an online job platform that facilitates the search for qualified talent and new job opportunities without borders.

These figures show an apparent disparity between large cities and the rest of the country. While the average household income in the top 50 cities in the U.S. is around $77,046, some places like Detroit have an average of $40,574, reflecting a gap of more than $100,000 compared to San Francisco. This contrast illustrates how the wealthiest Americans concentrate in a few key cities, especially those with a strong presence in technology, finance, and healthcare industries.

As for the cities with the highest concentration of wealth, San Francisco and New York stand out. According to data from New World Wealth, the number of millionaires in San Francisco is 305,700, and in New York, it is 349,500. This phenomenon is also due to land scarcity, increasing housing prices and limiting options for lower-income buyers.

The cities with the highest incomes are also known for offering many well-paying jobs in sectors like technology, healthcare, and finance. However, this income boom comes with challenges, such as rising economic inequality and a lack of affordable housing for many people.

Cities with the highest household incomes in 2022 (adjusted to 2024 dollars):

• San Francisco: $146,872
• San Jose: $146,143
• Seattle: $124,715
• Washington, DC: $109,300
• San Diego: $106,007

San Francisco: $146,872 | job abroad with Jobs Across the World

These incomes, though high compared to the national average, also reflect the high cost of living and the lack of affordable housing. However, job opportunities remain a significant draw in these areas.

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