Foreign Workers Needed to Help Fill 1.4 Million Jobs in Germany

The German government recently passed a law geared toward attracting skilled workers from outside the EU There are currently 2.5 million Europeans working in Germany, but it is estimated that the number will soon decrease. The neighboring countries are seeing workers nearing retirement age and will need their own workers. Although Germany wants to use […]

Watch: US Employers Added 266,000 Jobs in November 2019

Hiring in the U.S. increased in November 2019 to the highest rate since January of the same year and wages increased over three percent. Employers paid no attention to trade conflicts and a worldwide slowdown and added 266,000 positions. In October, the unemployment rate dropped from 3.6 percent to 3.5 percent, matching a 50-year low, […]

America’s Best Cities for Jobseekers

The unprecedented job growth over the last decade in the US makes finding a job easy. But even with the growth, some cities are having more jobs created than others. St. George, Utah, is the number one United States metro region with the largest job increase rate. There have been additional 15,054 jobs created over […]

Additional 225,000 People Working in America During January

JobsAWorld - Jobs Added

An addition of 225,000 US jobs in January 2020 showed a strong sign of strength for the economy Even with the unemployment rate slightly increasing to 3.6 percent, the jobless rate has stayed close to a 50-year record low. Construction and health care were the sectors with the most robust US job growth, as well […]

US Jobs in Clean Energy Pay Well and Are Growing Rapidly

Sometimes, having a well-paying job and saving the Earth aren’t mutually exclusive. Solar-panel installers and wind-turbine techs are the fastest-growing jobs in the U.S., according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The positions are in such strong demand that they are expanding 12 times as fast as the entire U.S. economy. If you […]

The 10 Top Cities for Finding Technology Jobs in America

SmartAsset ranked the top ten cities for finding tech jobs in the US. They used data from 172 cities and compared it to five metrics: average tech salaries, unemployment rate for those with a bachelor’s degree or higher, percentage of the local population employed in IT, ratios of tech salaries to average salaries across all […]

The USA Has More Than Seven Million Job Vacancies!

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The U.S. is experiencing a strong job market with 7.08 million jobs open. The only month higher in 2018 was August with 7.3 million job openings. With the unemployment rate holding steady around 3.7 percent, the strength of the U.S. job market is very healthy. Since there are just over 6 million adults listed without […]

America’s Highest-Paying Occupations for Men

Jobs Across the World has found some interesting facts about U.S. jobs for men. There are many high paying occupations for men in the United States. The top five highest-paying U.S. jobs for men all pay over $100,000. Men who work in the USA as surgeons, pharmacists, architectural and engineering managers, and lawyers, can expect […]